Set In Stone is here to inform the consumer of the hazards of lead and asbestos. We are licensed and backed by the EPA and HUD, so you can rest assured we will get the job done right.
Set In Stone is your one-stop-shop to help you comply with the HUD, RRP, and OSHA lead rules. We are certified and our workers are trained to provide the lead abatement, stabilization, or encapsulation services that your project needs. We have experience with lead ranging from projects involving the abatement of lead-based window paint to the decontamination of an indoor firing range ( License# 2102209559, State of Michigan, License# 21012055176, US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), License Sa-02444 ). We are also an EPA Lead-Safe Certified Firm.
Lead Quick Facts
Lead is a soft bluish-gray metal in its elemental state that is commonly found as an additive in many construction materials including, but not limited to; paint, welding wire, solders used for soldering tinplate and copper pipe joints, tank linings, and electrical conduit.
Because lead-based paint inhibits the rusting and corrosion of iron and steel, lead continues to be used on bridges, railways, ships, lighthouses, and other steel structures.
HUD and RRP lead-based paint rules are applicable to child-occupied facilities (such as pre-schools and day-care facilities) and single and multi-family housing built before 1978, while OSHA lead rules are applicable to all facilities.
We can perform your most complex asbestos abatement project, all while keeping costs to a minimum and providing quality you won't find anywhere else. Set In Stone can help you with your next project from planning through completion. We are a State of Michigan licensed Asbestos Abatement Contractor ( License# 2102209559, State of Michigan, License# 21012055176, US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), License Sa-02444 ).
Asbestos Quick Facts
According to the MIOSHA Asbestos Program, an estimated 1.3 million employees in construction and general industry potentially face significant asbestos exposure on the job.
Asbestos is required to be removed by a licensed asbestos contractor with trained and accredited individuals.
Prior to the start of renovation or demolition for a building built before 1981, an asbestos building inspection is required to be completed by a trained and accredited Asbestos Building Inspector.
If the planned work involves more than 10 linear feet or 15 square feet of friable asbestos, the contractor or exempt trade group must submit a notification to the State of Michigan Asbestos Program 10 days prior to removal. Emergency notifications waiving the 10 day advanced notice may be granted under certain circumstances.
If your site gets inspected and a contractor is found to be in violation of the Asbestos NESHAP, the DEQ is required to issue a citation not only to the contractor found to be in violation, but also the project's general contractor and the building owner.
Selective Demolition
We have long performed interior and exterior selective demolition with the added benefit of means and methods to control / limit dust emissions. From wall demo to entire house demo, Set In Stone can provide you with demolition services that fit your needs.
Set In Stone is committed to helping you get the efficiency out of your mechanical systems that it was designed for. Set In Stone provides insulation services for all mechanical systems.
Book a Consultation today!